Post date: 9/19/2022
Fall in Love, Fall Asleep, But Don’t Fall Down
Sun Health’s annual no-cost event goal is to keep dangerous stats from climbing
SURPRISE, ARIZ. – Stand-up straight, walk a fine line, stay on the straight and narrow. What we’ve heard all our lives sounds simple, however, the opposite is true as the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) says more than three million people take a trip annually to the ER due to falls. What is even more staggering is that 800,000 of those emergency trips result in fractures and in some cases leads to fatal injuries. That is why Sun Health, as a leader of providing health and wellbeing services in the West Valley, wants to lower those statistics by inviting the community to attend its annual no-cost event, Stand Up to Falling Down.
Stand Up to Falling Down
Thursday, September 22, 2022
9 to 11:30 a.m.
The Colonnade (a Sun Health community)
9116 N. Colonnade Way in Surprise
“This is the 8th year we’ve been presenting this event to the community, complete with fall risk assessments and information from health professionals on how to avoid falls,” says Barbara Mason, Sun Health’s Vice President of Home and Community Based Services. “Our showstopper this year is showing how artificial intelligence is being used to scan a person to not only see if they have a high risk for falling based on how they walk, but we can look at those results, and immediately show you easy ways to make adjustments to stay safe.”
Other speakers include experts from the Banner Health Injury Prevention Program focusing on home safety tips, Orthopedic Surgeon Dr. Christina Khoury from Abrazo Health, and an exercise physiologist will talk about ways to strengthen your core which leads to increased balance and mobility – all factors in avoiding falls.
Sun Health’s asks attendees and/or those wanting free fall risk assessments to register in advance by calling (623) 207-1703.
Interviews with fall prevention experts are available as well as morning show live shot opportunities. Call or text Rainey Daye Holloway with Sun Health’s Marketing Department at 602-321-0235 to schedule.